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General FAQs

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions

Accept A Coach Connection Request
Can I enter the distance to the hole with decimal values?
Save Distances for Courses Played
What should I do if I'm unsure of the lie?
Choosing the Right Circles Membership
Trend Lines and Rolling Averages
Adapting Your Golf Game After an Injury: How Circles Can Help
Can Circles provide me with some tips to help improve?
Short Game Vs. Approach - What's the difference?
Understanding "Improvement Opportunities" for Players.
Correcting Club Entry for Accurate Driving Distance
Navigating Scores: Understanding the Circles Approach to Grouping Doubles, Triples, and More
How to Make a Payment on DrawMoreCircles: A Simple Guide
How to View Strokes Gained for Each Shot
Course rating and slope
Using Circles to Customize Practice Drills and Templates for Enhanced Player Performance
How to Delete Draft Rounds
Creating Player Reports and Customizing Practice Drills

Should I adjust for slope, wind or rain?
Apple Watch Overview
What if I 'pick up' on a hole?
Do I enter '0' for the last shot
Starting Lie Definition
What if I lay up on a Par 4 or Par 5?
We are generally only able to play 9 holes per round. Presume that is ok?
What is a Recovery lie?
What to do if your ball is on the wrong fairway?
Circles Geo-Location