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In Play: Shot Collection Overview
In Play: Shot Collection Overview

A complete overview for collecting your Circles shot data.

Hamish Mitchell avatar
Written by Hamish Mitchell
Updated over a week ago

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What data you'll need to collect on course

To accurately measure your underlying performance, we need to collect your stroke data.

  • You will be requested to record two pieces of information for each stroke: the lie and length to hole, before each shot.

  • During play, we recommend you note these details on our printable forms.

  • After each round you will enter the data into our system. This should take around 7 minutes to enter the data for each round.

Shot Entry

If you're using the Web App or entering in from the templates after your round, simply click "Add round" from the bottom right of the screen, complete round details, and fill out the shot data.

Once complete you’ll be provided with a round summary to compare your performance this round to your benchmark.

Definition of different lie conditions

  1. Tee box: The tee box of the hole being played. It does not matter what club is used to tee off. This lie should be used for all tee shots, including par 3s and re-loads

  2. Fairway: The fairway and green-side fringe of the hole being played. Does not include fairway of a different hole. Can include the first cut of rough if it is narrow and not substantially different from fairway

  3. Sand: Includes all official fairway and greenside bunkers. Also includes any sandy waste areas

  4. Recovery: Any lie not on the fairway or green where the player cannot hit a ‘normal’ shot toward the hole. For example, in the trees with an obstructed swing or line.

  5. Rough: Any lie that cannot be categorised as any other lie. If it’s particularly deep – but not a ‘recovery’ lie – then use ‘Deep rough’

  6. Deep Rough: Rough that is deeper, but player can still hit a ‘normal’ shot toward the hole. If the rough is so deep that the player cannot hit a ‘normal’ shot at the hole, then use ‘recovery’.

  7. Green: Includes all shots on the green, whether or not a putter is used

  8. Penalty: Any penalty stroke other than ‘technical’ penalties.

Examples of ‘Recovery’ lie

A recovery lie should be whenever the player is in a situation where they cannot play a ‘normal’ shot toward the hole. For example:

  1. Trees are blocking swing or line toward hole

  2. Ball is in the trees and player needs to chip out

  3. Ball is in rough that is so deep they need to hit a shorter club to safely get the ball out

  4. Ball is in a fairway bunker and the player needs to hit a shorter club to get out, rather than hitting toward the green

  5. Ball is in greenside trees with tight lie. There is a clear line to the hole and nothing obstructing the players swing, but the player will need to hit over a bunker to a downhill green that runs out into water. Player decides to chip out sideways for a better line.

We’d categories this as a ‘recovery’ lie condition, since the player cannot hit a ‘normal’ shot toward the hole

Examples of lie types to use in different situations

  1. Hitting a second ball off the tee (e.g., first ball OB): ‘Tee’

  2. Ball is on the fairway of a different hole: Use ‘rough’. This is consistent with strokes gained benchmark calculations and ensures ‘fairways hit’ stat is correct

  3. Ball is putted from the fringe off the green: ‘Fairway’, whether or not putter is used

  4. Ball is in the first cut, just off the fairway: Use judgement to decide whether lie is more similar to “fairway” or “rough”. Often, we suggest use ‘fairway’ when the first cut is narrow (~1m)

Definition of ‘Distance’ to be recorded

The distance to be recorded is always the distance to the hole. The one exception is for longer tee shots and tee shots on dog-leg holes, you can use scorecard length for hole.

(You do not need to record distance to the centre of green, or distance to target, or distance that the ball travelled.)

Distance not required for penalty shots

No distance needs to be recorded for penalty shots. Penalty shots are covered in more detail below.

Units for measuring distance

All shots on green are always measured in feet.

You can choose to measure shots off the green in yards or meters (including putting from off the green).

How to accurately measure putt length in feet

Step it off. Calibrate how many feet per step is typical for you.

It’s very important for the player’s putting performance analysis that the length of putts inside 15 feet is measured as accurately as possible. For putts outside 15 feet, it is okay to measure to the nearest 1-2 feet.

Do not adjust distance to a ‘plays like’ distance

Distance should always be ‘actual’ distance to the hole. There should be no adjustment for elevation change, temperature, wind, air pressure, etc.

This ensures the recorded data is consistent with the benchmarks and between different players.

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